Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University | 論文
- Actin Microfilaments are Required for the Expression of Nonhost Resistance in Higher Plants
- 浸透性殺菌剤フルトラニルのコハク酸酸化阻害に伴う Rhizoctonia solani の形態的変化
- Inhibition of ATPase Activity in Pea Plasma Membranes In Situ by a Suppressor from a Pea Pathogen, Mycosphaerella pinodes
- Cloning and sequence analysis of the plasmid DNA found in Rhizoctonia solani AG-2-2 LP isolate and its potential use for fungal detection
- Studies on turfgrass snow mold caused by Typhula ishikariensis. II. Microscopical observation of infected bentgrass leaves
- コウライシバの葉腐病(ラージパッチ)菌 Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2 LPの光感受性
- キュウリプロトプラストに対する数種非イオン性およびアニオン性界面活性剤の影響
- イネいもち病菌菌糸から分離されたプロトプラストに及ぼすイソプロチオランの影響
- Elicitor Activity of a Fungal Product Assessed at the Single-Cell Level by a Novel Gel-Bead Method
- 糸状菌に対するポリオキシンの影響(II) : ナシ黒斑病菌胞子発芽の電子顕微鏡的観察