Laboratory Animal Research Center Dokkyo Medical University | 論文
- The Effects of Prolactin and Gonadotropin on Luteal Function and Morphology in the Cyclic Golden Hamster
- The Effects of Prolactin and Gonadotropin on Luteal Function and Morphology in the Cyclic Hamster
- Estrous Cycle Stage-Independent Treatment of PMSG and hCG can Induce Superovulation in Adult Wistar-Imamichi Rats
- Strain Difference in Pituitary-adrenal Axis between Wistar-Imamichi and long Evans Adult Male Rats
- PACAPの側脳室内投与がプロラクチン分泌に与える影響--成熟雄ラットおよび泌乳ラットを用いた検討
- Effects of Cyclophosphamide on the Kaolin Consumption (Pica Behavior) in Five Strain Adult Male Rats
- rdwラットの下垂体および副腎機能