Kyushu Kyoritsu University | 論文
- Intervention of Japanese Prosodic Perception in the Pronunciation of English
- Effect of Saline Water Irrigation at Fruit Maturity Stage on Transpiration Rate and Growth in Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum)
- Analysis of EEG Pattern Measured at Eight Electrodes on L2 English Rhythm Acquisition
- Diagonal Block Orthogonal Algebraic Space-Time Block Codes(Communications and Wireless Systems, Recent Advances in Circuits and Systems-Part 1)
- Statistical-Mechanical Approach to Random Frequency Modulations and the Gaussian Memory Function
- A Simplified Theory of Liquid-Solid Transitions. IV : With an Improved Mean Free Volume
- An Examination of the Monitor Model
- 13. The Arc Welding Robot for Hull Sub-assembly Works
- NP Order in the Sentence and Surprise Implication
- Anomalous Diffusion Induced by External Force in the Standard Map. II : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Dynamic Behavior of Magnetic Domain Wall in Grain-Oriented 3% Si-Fe with Orientation near (110)[001]
- Scaling for the Space-Time Coarse Graining and Kinetic Equations
- Kinetic Equations of Dilute Electron Plasmas in the Coherent Region
- The Quantum-Statistical Theory of Transport Phenomena, I : On the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck Equation
- Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Optimal Tilt Angle of Photovoltaic Panels(Environmental Engineering)
- Evolution of Chaos and Power Spectra in One-Dimensional Maps
- Vortex Stretching and Transport Processes in Fully-Developed Turbulence
- Critical Fluctuations of Schlogl's Chemical Model
- Fractal Dimensions of Chaotic Flows of Autonomous Dissipative Systems
- Stochastic Processes of Macroscopic Variables