Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden | 論文
- New or Noteworthy Plant Collections from Myanmar (5) : Dendrobium koyamae, a New Species in sect. Formosa (Orchidaceae)
- Doritis natmataungensis (Orchidaceae), a New Species from Myanmar
- 台湾産コウジモロコシ(サクラソウ科)の分類学的再検討(西太平洋における島弧の自然史科学的総合研究 第1期:台湾およびフィリピン)
- Inter-specific relationships and hierarchical spatial genetic structuring in Nervilia nipponica, an endangered orchid in Japan
- 琉球列島植物分布資料16
- 日本産ナガミカズラ属の再発見
- 日本産シュンラン属(ラン科)の1自然交雑種 : Cymbidium×nomachianum
- New or Noteworthy Plant Collections from Myanmar (7) : Fourteen Additional Species of Orchidaceae
- Begonia kachinensis (Begoniaceae, sect. Sphenanthera), a New Species from Myanmar
- Observations on the Phenology and Reproductive Success of the Critically Endangered Nervilia nipponica (Orchidaceae) in Kochi Prefecture, Japan
- Chromosome Numbers for Four Taxa of Saussurea DC. (Asteraceae) from the Nepal Himalaya
- New or Noteworthy Plant Collections from Myanmar (7) : Fourteen Additional Species of Orchidaceae
- A New Record of Gmelina tomentosa Fletcher (Verbenaceae) from Myanmar
- New Natural Hybrid of Arisaema (Araceae), Distributed around Mt. Yatsuzura, in Shikoku, western Japan
- New or Noteworthy Plant Collections from Myanmar (8) Lemna trisulca (Araceae), Blyxa aubertii var. echinosperma, and Najas tenuis (Hydrocharitaceae)