Kobe Steel LTD. | 論文
- Microscopic Investigation of Possible Multipole Ordering in SmRu_4P_ by ^P-NMR(Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Estimation of In-Situ Volume Fraction of Each Phase in Gas-liquid-Solid Three-Phase Flow : Series B : Fluid Engineering, Heat Transfer, Combustion, Power, Thermophysical Properties
- Development of Guidelines on Brittle Crack Arrest Design : Brittle Crack Arrest Design for Large Container Ships-1
- 低炭素焼戻しマルテンサイトの機械的特性に及ぼす下部組織の影響 (特集 厚鋼板・薄鋼板)
- Cu-Ni-Si系合金の焼鈍過程における固溶析出挙動の速度論
- 3. Research on Highly Skewed Propellers (2nd Report)
- Development of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic Steels for FBR Core Application, (I) Improvement of Mechanical Properties by Recrystallization Processing
- 2. Research on Highly Skewed Propellers
- The Origin of Midrib in Lenticular Martensite
- Fundamental Studies of Cavitation Erosion : In the Case of Low Cavitation Intensity
- Open water test series of .Modified AU_w-type six bladed propeller models of area ratio 0.85
- Sudden Decrease of the Cyclic Plastic Strain in High-Cycle Fatigue Region and the Cumulative Damage Law under Stationary Random Loading of High-Strength Materials
- System Identification of Vibration Systems Using Sensitivity Analysis : 2nd Report, Application to a Rigid Body System Supported by Springs : Series C : Vibration, Control Engineering, Engineering for Industry
- An Investigation on Ultrasonic Atomization
- A Digital Simulation Method of the Pressure Pulsations in Reciprocating Compressor-Piping Systems (1st Report, Calculation Method) : Series C : Vibration, Control Engineering, Engineering for Industry
- Approximate Method for Calculating Maximum Amplitude of Rotor Through Critical Speed
- 15. Research on Fabrication Procedure of Spherical Pressure Hull Made of Titanium Alloy for Deep Submergence Research Vehicle
- Femoral component made of Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al alloy in total hip arthroplasty
- Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer for Flow-Boiling of Water in Small-Diameter Tubes
- SUP-03: Low-temperature Superplastic Forming in Zn-22mass%Al Alloy and its Application on Maintenance Free Seismic Damper(SUP-I: SUPERPLASTIC FORMING)