Kobe International University | 論文
- パーリ文献中のスメーダ・カター : 南方仏教伝承の総括および北伝資料との関連について
- Noncommutative Phase Space and the Hall Effect(Particles and Fields)
- Noncommutative Phase Space and the Hall Effect
- Brans-Dicke Theory from M_4×Z_2 Geometry
- NS Open Strings with B Fields and Their Interactions with NS Closed Strings
- Interaction between Noncommutative Open Strings and Closed-String Tachyons
- Constrained Quantization of Charged Strings in a Background B Field and g-Factors
- Brans-Dicke Theory on M_4×Z_2 Geometry : Particles and fields
- Noncommutative Gauge Theory and Seiberg-Witten Map(Quantum Field Theories: Fundamental Problems and Applications)
- Inhibitory Effect of a Combination of Thermotherapy with Exercise Therapy on Progression of Muscle Atrophy
- What Problematic Behaviors are Observed among Mentally Handicapped Children Receiving Pediatric Physical Therapy?
- The Reliability of the Japanese Manuals for the Aberrant Behavior Checklist in Daycare Center for Handicapped Children
- The Reliability and Validity of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale in Japan
- The Gaps between Capability ADL and Performance ADL of Stroke Patients in a Convalescent Rehabilitation Ward : Based on the Functional Independence Measure
- Longitudinal Observation of Healthy Children's Motor Development Using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale
- The Influence of Low Back Pain on Care Workers' Health-related Quality of Life
- Factors Affecting Burden of Family Caregivers of the Home-bound Elderly Disabled
- Comparison of Problematic Behavior Assessment by Physical and Occupational Therapists
- Effects of Preoperative Evaluation of Rotator Cuff Injuries on the Prediction of the Convalescence Period
- 慢性閉塞性肺疾患患者のBODE index の重症度別における Timed up and go test の比較