Kansai Med. Univ. | 論文
- Effect of Heavy Ion Beams from Cyclotron (TIARA) and Synchrotron (HIMAC) on Escherichia coil DNA Repair Deficient Mutants
- Reoxygenation and Rehypoxiation in SCC VII tumors after Hyperthermia.
- The vasa mRNA expression and localization during embryogenesis of shiro-uo(Genetics)(Proceeding of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Genomic Alterations Associated with Stage and Response to Radiotherapy in Cervical Carcinoma
- Measurement of membrane potential in tumor cells using fluorescent dye & flow cytometry. - Changes of membrane potential by heat treatment with lidocaine-
- WAF1 induction and HPV infection as determinants of radiosensitivity in human cervical cancer
- p53, Waf1 gene status and Apoptosis as a Predictors of Tumor Response to Radiation in Malignant Gynecologic Tumors
- Apotosis in cancer treatment and it's significance
- Ultracytochemical Demonstrations of Surface Tension Lowering Substance (STLS) in Rat Eustachian Tube.
- 134 Ultracytochemical demonstration of the surfactants in mouse lung alveoli.
- Ultracytochemical demonstration of the surfactants in mouse lung alveoli.
- Loss of Immunohistologic Phenotypes and Lung-colonizing Potency in Six Sublines of Transplantable Mouse Mammary Tumors.
- FURROW-RELATED CONTRACTIONS ARE INHIBITED BUT FURROW-UNRELATED CONTRACTIONS ARE NOT AFFECTED IN af MUTANT EGGS OF XENOPUS LAEVIS.(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Sixty-Second Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- LACK OF 78-kDa PROTEIN IN MATERNAL-EFFECT MUTANT (af) EMBRYOS WITH ABNORMAL CLEAVAGE FURROW FORMATION IN XENOPUS.(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Sixty-Second Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 190. Trials for Ultracytochemical Detection of Cholesterols in Rat Adrenal Cortex.
- Ultracytochemical Observations on Micro-vesicular Fatty Liver in Rats of Reye's Syndrome.