Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School Of Medical Sci. | 論文
- PJ-349 The relation between regional myocardial 99m-Tc-MIBI retention increase and coronary flow reserve during coronary vasodilation in human(Nuclear Cardiology 10 (I) : PJ58)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- OJ-242 Feasibility of automatic right ventricular ejection fraction measurement with edge detection program of ECG-gated blood SPET : comparison with first-pass ventriculography(Nuclear Cardiology 6 (I) : OJ28)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- FRS-118 Relation between Ischemic Severity and Apoptosis in a Rat Model with Acute Ischemia and Reperfusion : Assessment with Tc-99m-annexin V(Nuclear Cardiology (I) : FRS14)(Featured Research Session (English))
- Preliminary evaluation of image reconstruction by ordered-subset expectation maximization in thallium-201 lung scintigraphy
- Discrepant uptake between fluorine-18 fluorodeoxy glucose and Tc-99m sestamibi in bronchioloalveolar cell carcinoma
- Myocardial viability assessment using nuclear imaging
- Improvement of Tc-99m Pyrophosphate Scintigraphy in Detection of Acute Myocardial Infarction : Combined with Tc-99m Tetrofosmin
- Left Ventricular Systolic and Diastolic Function Measured by ECG-Gated Blood Pool Single-Photon Emission Tomography
- オートラジオグラフィーを用いて画像化したRIコロイドの節内分布からみた, 胃癌RI法センチネルリンパ節生検における, フチン酸とスズコロイドの比較(第105回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- Lymphatic basin dissectionによる早期胃癌に対する腹腔鏡下胃局所切除術
- Respiratory distress caused by radioiodine therapy in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer
- ^I-MIBG治療
- Single dose planning for radioiodine-131 therapy of Graves' disease
- 大腸癌におけるクエン酸ガリウムを用いた転移リンパ節診断の可能性
- 核医学検査における安全管理等に関するアンケート調査報告 第7報
- Correlation between glucose transporter-1 expression and ^F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose uptake on positron emission tomography in lung cancer
- Comparison of ^Tc-tetrofosmin uptakes on planar images with those in excised rats organs
- Colorectal cancer identified by FDG-PET during preoperative examination for lung cancer : Report of two cases
- Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake Correlates with the Growth Pattern of Small Peripheral Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma
- Value of whole-body FDG PET in management of lung cancer