Kanazawa Institute of Technology | 論文
- On the Dirichlet problem of prescribed mean curvature equations without H-convexity condition
- (3-27) Vortex Promotion in a DI Diesel Engine Combustion Chamber with Bluff Bodies((DE-5)Diesel Engine Combustion 5-Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow)
- 有彩色ルーバ照明の理論解析(I) - 一升の正方形有彩色ルーバの光学的特性について -
- Study on Photopyroelectric Signal of Optically Opaque Material Measured by Polyvinylidene Difluoride Film Sensor
- Finite Element Method for Hot cracking Using Interface Element(Mechanics, Strength & Structure Design)
- Improvement on Productivity for Machining Centers -Effects of Tool Paths on Productivity-
- High Speed Machining of Bio-Titanium Alloy with a Binder-Less PcBN Tool(Advanced Manufacturing Technology)
- 205 The difference of Hematological status and Cardiovascular response During umpiring in umpires of base ball game in ad libitum and restricted drinking.
- A Matching Circuit in Automatic Matching System for Antennas
- A Flare-Ring Type Dual-Mode Horn Antenna
- 6. Aerodynamic Characteristics of Elastically Deformed 3-Dimensional Membrane Sail
- Characteristics of Creeping Impulse Streamers over the Surface of Oil-Immersed PE Wire
- Gauge Groups of Z_N Orbifold Models : Particles and Fields
- Shifted Z_6 Orbifold Model and 1・4 Model : Particles and Fields
- A Study on Vibration Screw Thread Tightening by Means of Pneumatic Control : Series C : Vibration Control Engineering Engineering for Industry
- Distinctive Discharge Generated under Impulse Voltage and Negative Creeping Discharge along Aerial Insulated Cable
- 層状構造窒化ホウ素の乱層モデル
- Cyberworlds : Theory, Design and Potential(Cyberworlds)
- 451 直接噴射式ディーゼル機関の燃料特性が微粒子生成に及ぼす影響の調査(応用熱工学III)
- Stability of the Two-phase Structure of the Hard Particles in Ti(C,N)Base Cermets and Diffusional Phenomena in Ti(C,N)-(Ti,Mo)C Diffusion Couples (特集 硬質材料)