Kagoshima Univ. Grad. Sch. | 論文
- LOH Analyses for Biological Effects of Space Radiation : Human Cell Culture in "Kibo" of International Space Station
- 高濃度酸によるチタンの表面改質 (第5報) : 交互浸漬法によるアパタイト形成に与える効果(研究奨励賞応募ポスター発表, 創立55周年記念大会平成17年春期 (東京) 第45回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会)
- The First Life Science Experiments in ISS : Reports of "Rad Gene"-Space Radiation Effects on Human Cultured Cells-
- Induction of LOH events by Low-dose or Low-dose Rate Radiation Exposure
- Mitochondrial Function Modulates Cytoplasmic Irradiation Induced Bystander Effect
- Effects of Irradiated Medium on Chromatid Aberrations in Mammalian Cells Using Double Mylar Dishes
- 127 Effects of Irradiated Medium on Chromatid Aberrations in Mammalian Cells(Effects of space radiation, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Induction of a Bystander Chromosomal Damage of He-ion microbeams in Mammalian Cells
- Bystander chromosomal alterations induced in mammalian cells using a charged particle microbeam.
- Dependence on dose and particle species of chromosome aberrations and cell lethality in human cells.
- LET and Ion-species Dependence for Mutation Induction and Mutation Spectrum on hprt Locus in Normal Human Fibroblasts
- LET and Ion-species Dependence for Cell Killing and Mutation Induction in Normal Human Fibroblasts
- LET and Ion-species Dependence for Cell killing in Normal Human Fibroblasts.