Kagawa Nutrition College | 論文
- Functional Compounds in Fermented Buckwheat Sprouts
- Urinary Calcium and Calcium Balance in Young Women Affected by High Protein Diet of Soy Protein Isolate and Adding Sulfur-Containing Amino Acids and/or Potassium
- Oligopeptide mixtures produced from soy protein by enzymatic modification and their nutritional qualities evaluated by feeding tests with normal and malnourished rats.
- 体内の水分と水の機能 (水と人体生理)
- Utilization of soy protein isolate mixed with rice protein in Japanese women.
- Some Nutritional and Physiological Factors Affecting the Urinary Excretion of Acid Soluble Peptides in Rats and Women
- Effect of protein intake level on urinary energy/nitrogen ratio in Japanese.
- Utilization and requirement of egg protein in Japanese women.
- Effect of fiber on protein, fat and calcium digestibilities and fecal cholesterol excretion.
- Utilization and requirement of dietary protein taking into account the dermal and miscellaneous nitrogen losses in Japanese women.
- Effect of methionine supplementation of a soy protein isolate on short-term nitrogen balance in young women.
- Constituents of a Cationic Peptide-rich Fraction of Lentinus edodes
- γ-Glutamyl Derivatives of Basic Amino Acids in Lentinus edodes