Japan advanced Institute of Science and Technology | 論文
- Superconductivity of Fullerides with Tunable Crystal Structure and Band Filling
- 感性に響く「動き」のデザインとその評価 : 日常生活では想像し難い「動き」をリズム特徴の操作に基づき生成する方法の提案
- Traffic properties for stochastic routing on scale-free networks
- 1406 連想プロセスの仮想モデリングによる創造的デザインアイデア生成(OS3-1 設計・デザイン論I,OS3 設計・デザイン論)
- MLD-Based Modeling of Hybrid Systems with Parameter Uncertainty
- The complexity of free flood filling games (コンピュテーション)
- Information Retrieval Using Rough Sets
- 3H0948 FRETを用いた天然変性蛋白質モデルの構造解析(3H 蛋白質_物性4,日本生物物理学会第49回年会)
- Voronoi Game on a Path
- New Concrete Relation between Trace, Definition Field, and Embedding Degree
- 2G14 Roadmapping : a Promising Practice for Developing Core Competence through Collective Learning
- Effect of Pressure on the Electrical Resistivity of YbAu_2 and YbAu_3
- 能動的な印象に対するメディアの影響に関する研究
- Efficinet Group Signature Scheme Based on a Modified Nyberg-Rueppel Signature (特集 多様な社会的責任を担うコンピュータセキュリティ技術)
- 感性に響く「動き」のデザインとその評価 : 日常生活では想像し難い「動き」をリズム特徴の操作に基づき生成する方法の提案
- Improvement of Deposition Rate by Sandblasting of Tungsten Wire in Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- A Parallel K-sets Clustering Algorithm for Categorical and Mixed Data
- Charting the Future of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery : Where to from Here?
- Recursive approach for users' value co-creation in based on users' experience
- Emulation Testbed for IEEE 802.15.4 Networked Systems