Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute | 論文
- Photoproduction of η-mesons off C and Cu Nuclei for Photon Energies below 1.1 GeV(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 23pPSB-1 レーザー・放射光同期による時間分解X線吸収分光(領域5ポスターセッション,領域5,光物性)
- Search for s-channel Baryon Resonances in the γp→α_0(980)p Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- X線回折法によるLi_2O-TeO_2系ガラスのミクロ構造解析
- X線反射率法によるイオン液体水溶液に含まれるCl[-]イオンの表面深さ方向分析
- SPring-8 に於けるピクセル検出器開発とX線分光分析への応用
- In-situ 時間分解XAFS法によるPt/C燃料電池触媒の起電過程の解明
- 硬X線分光XAFSビームライン(BL01B1)での研究
- Observation of Softened Fe Modes in K-Doped BaFe_2As_2 via ^Fe Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering
- A Possible Novel Magnetic Ordering in SmRu_4P_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Isotropic Uniaxial Strain Effect on the Incommensurate Organic Superconductor: (MDT-TS)(AuI_2)_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Synthesis and Structures of Highly Conducting Charge-Transfer Salts of Selenium Containing TTM-TTP Derivatives
- Synthesis and Structures of Neutral Crystals and Charge-Transfer Salts of Selenium Containing TMET-TTP Derivatives
- Hadroproduction of DD^^- Pairs in the Interaction of 350 GeV /c π^- Mesons with Nuclei : Progress Letters
- Charm Production by 350 GeV/c π^- Interactions in Nuclear Emulsion : Progress Letters
- 28aZK-6 オキシ硫化物 (La_M_xO)CuS (M=Ca, Ce) の電気伝導特性
- 28aZK-6 オキシ硫化物 (La_M_xO) CuS (M=Ca, Ce) の電気伝導特性
- 28aZK-4 オキシサルファイド (LaO) CuS における S サイト置換効果
- グラファイト基板上のヘリウム吸着膜のナノ摩擦
- Development of High-Angular-Resolution Microdiffraction System for Reciprocal Space Map Measurements