Iwate Univ. Iwate Jpn | 論文
- Growth, Sexual Dimorphism, and Geographical Variation of Skull Dimensions of the Brown Bear Ursus arctos in Hokkaido
- 北海道北部におけるエゾヒグマ(Ursus arctos yesoensis Lydekker)の食性とその季節変化〔英文〕 (武藤憲由先生記念号)
- Chloroplast DNA Phylogeny of Asian Bamboos (Bambusoideae, Poaceae) and Its Systematic Implication
- Fractionation and Emulsifying Properties of Plasma Proteins(Food & Nutrition)
- 1A-AM2 微生物機能の探索・開発とバイオプロセス構築へのアプローチ(産官学連携で推進する環境関連バイオ技術の開発をめぐって,シンポジウム)
- Emulsion Drying Preparation of LiFePO_4/C Composite and Its Enhanced High-rate Performance at 50℃
- Orthorhombic LiMnO_2 as a High Capacity Cathode for Lithium-Ion Battery Synthesized by Hydrothermal Route at 170℃
- Nitrogen isotope composition of inorganic soil nitrogen and associated vegetation under a sea bird colony on the Hatana islands, Rotuma Group, Fiji
- Thunder Synthesis for Animating Lightning(International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2005)
- Effect of Dietary Protein from Proso Millet on the Plasma Cholesterol Metabolism in Rats(Food & Nutrition)
- Asymptotic Efficiency of Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Face Tracking Model Identification
- 傾斜地負荷歩行による両膝の物理的負担
- Electronic Structure of the Carrier System in Small Semiconductor Particles
- Winter food abundance for Japanese monkeys in differently aged Japanese cedar plantations in snowy regions
- Differing Perceptions of Japanese Black Bears in Urban and Rural Japan
- Effects of Canopy Tree Characteristics and Forest Floor Vegetation on Defication Site Selection of a Japanese Serow (Capricornis crispus) Population in Lowland Managed Forests in Northern Japan
- 滅失届を用いたニホンカモシカの死亡地点の環境と死因・死亡年齢・死亡時期の分析
- Precise aftershock distribution and crustal structure in and around the northern focal area of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake
- 中部および西日本産イタチ2種(Mustela itatsi および M. sibirica)からの寄生蠕虫類
- Formation of Organic Nanodots on Indium Tin Oxide Using Molecular Aggregation during Self-Assembled Monolayer-Treatment Method