Institute of laser Engineering, Osaka University | 論文
- Electrostatic Field Generation and Hot Electron Reduction in a Laser Produced Plasma
- Hot Electron Transport Inhibition and Density Modification due to Electrostatic Field
- Harmonics of Thomson Backscattered X-Rays
- Bulk Laser Damage in CsLiB_6O_ Crystal and Its Dependence on Crystal Structure
- Study on Sub-THz Signal Input for Superconducting Electronic Devices(Innovative Superconducting Devices and Their Applications)
- Optical Responses of Josephson Vortex flow Transistor under irradiation of femtosecond laser pulses
- DC and AC Responses of Josephson Vortex Flow Transistors with High T_c Superconducting Thin Films( Superconducting High-frequency Devices)
- 18aZB-11 Structural dependence of THz-radiation from BiFeO_3 thin films
- 18aZB-12 Cation disorder effects on the temperature dependent THz radiation from charge-ordered Nd_Ca_Ba_MnO_3 thin film
- Nonlinear Optical Properties of Cesium Lithium Borate
- Analysis of Laser Beam Propagation Effects in Atomic Laser Isotope Separation
- Enhanced Emission of Nd^ in Liquid Systems : Formation of Symmetrical Rigid Shells of Tightly Solvated DMSO Molecules and Weakly Coordinated Low-Vibrational β-Diketonato Ligands
- Two Secondary Fusion Reactions in Deuterium Fuel as a Diagnostic for Fuel-Pusher Mixing Rate in Inertial Confinement Fusion
- Smoothing of Nonuniformity by X-ray Radiation in Cannonball Target
- Three Dimensional Laser Simulation Code on a Desktop Personal Computer
- Fast Three-Dimensional Computation of the Optical Propagation Equation Using a Desktop Personal Computer
- Degenerate Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplifier Pumped by an Yb:YLF Chirped-Pulse Amplification Laser
- Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from Laser-Irradiated Low-Density Xe Targets
- Low-Density-Plastic-Foam Capsule of Resorcinol/Formalin and (Phloroglucinolcarboxylic Acid)/Formalin Resins for Fast-Ignition Realization Experiment (FIREX) in Laser Fusion Research
- Effect of Overcoat Layer on Highly Reflective Coating for High-Average-Power Lasers