Institute of Wood Technology, Akita Prefectural University | 論文
- Martensitic Transformation in La_Sr_xCoO_3
- Single-Crystal Growth of Perovskite-Type La_Sr_xMO_3 (M=Fe, Co) Solid Solutions
- Single Crystal Growth of La_Sr_xCoO_4 (x=0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5)
- Changes of decay and termite durabilities of Japanese larch (Larix leptolepis) wood due to high-temperature kiln drying processes
- Durability of Polyurethane Films from Liquefied Woods
- Adsorption of mercury by sugi wood carbonized at 1000℃
- Removal of trichloroethylene from aqueous solution by pyrolyzed Japanese cedar bark
- Adsorption capacities and related characteristics of wood charcoals carbonized using a one-step or two-step process
- Improved Adsorption Potential of SUGI(Cryptomeria japonica D.Don)Bark Carbonized after Steam-Treatment
- Raman spectroscopic study on the behavior of boric acid in wood
- Spectrochemical characterization by FT-Raman spectroscopy of wood heat-treated at low temperatures : Japanese larch and beech
- Depth profiling of weathered tropical wood using Fourier transform infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy
- Shear strength of beam splice joints with glued-in rods
- Durability of isocyanate resin adhesives for wood V : changes of color and chemical structure in photodegradation
- Multielement analysis using PIXE for beneficial use of ashes from a biomass power plant
- Changes in surface proparties of tropical wood species exposed to the Indonesian climate in relation to mold colonies
- Comparative effectiveness of two alkylammonium compounds as wood preservatives
- Shear tests of timber joints composed of sugi composite glulam beams using newly developed steel connectors
- Quasi-non-linear fracture mechanics analysis of splitting failure in simply supported beams loaded perpendicular to grain by dowel joints
- Splitting strength of beams loaded perpendicular to grain by dowel joints