Institute of Sustainability Science, Kyoto University | 論文
- 軽水炉からTHORIMS-NESへの円滑な移行に関する研究 : 核分裂性物質とマイナーアクチニドの物量計算
- トリウムが開く核エネルギーの新しい地平 : 中国から聞こえる足音(TU 2007)
- At5g54160 gene encodes Arabidopsis thaliana 5-hydroxyconiferaldehyde O-methyltransferase
- 巨大トリウムエネルギー産業の早期世界展開
- Microscale alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation method for high-throughput determination of lignin aromatic components
- Microscale alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation method for high-throughput determination of lignin aromatic components
- High-throughput determination of thioglycolic acid lignin from rice
- Tree Biotechnology of Tropical Acacia
- Biosynthesis of lignans and norlignans
- 軟X線顕微鏡を用いた微小植物プランクトンの観察
- Feasibility Study on Smooth Shift from LWR to THORIMS-NES; a Mass Balance Calculation of Fissile Materials and Minor Actinide