Institute of Physics, College of General Education Osaka University | 論文
- Restriction on the Coupling Constant from Analyticity and Unitarity of the S-Matrix
- Charged Neutrinos and Atoms in the Standard Model : Particles and Fields
- Mini-Charge Non-Conservation in SU(3)_c×SU(2)_L×U(1)_Y Models : Particles and Fields
- Light W_R and the Spontaneous CP Violation. II : Particles and Fields
- Thermodynamical Properties of High Order Parabosons
- Partition Functions for Multilevel Parabosonic Systems : General and Mathematical Physics
- Statistics of Voronoi Polyhedra in Rapidly Quenched Monatomic Liquids.I.Changes during Rapid-Quenching Process
- Free Energy of a Nonideal Boson Gas
- Ecker-Grimus-Neufeld Model and the Parametrization of KM Matrix : Particles and Fields
- Rational Scalar Field Theories on Quantum Spheres : Particles and Fields
- Boundary Effects in Effective Action of Gauge Field : Particles and Fields
- Topological Meaning of Gauge and Gravitational Anomalies and Gaussian Factors : Particles and Fields
- Simulation of the Three-Particle Distribution Function in a Long-Range Oscillatory Potential Liquid
- Implications of the Discovery of Sub-Millisecond Pulsar in SN1987A : Astrophysics and Relativity
- M(12) and Vector-Meson Production at High Energy
- Feynman Diagram Approach to Dual-Parton Model. I : Complication Due to Parton's Isospin
- Model-Independent Analysis of B-B^^- Mixing and CP Violation in B Decays
- Molecular Dynamics Study of Velocity Autocorrelation Function in a Model of Expanded Liquid Rubidium
- Shrinkage of Effective Core and Large Angle Scattering at High Energy
- Validity of Sum Rules and High Energy Theorems by Current Algebra