Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University | 論文
- Detection of Effects of a High Trophic Level Predator, Sorex unguiculatus (Soricidae, Mammalia), on a Soil Microbial Community in a Cool Temperate Forest in Hokkaido, Using the ARISA Method
- マッキンリー山におけるピット観測およびアイスレーダー観測(2004年)
- アラスカ、ランゲル山における浅層雪氷コア掘削
- カナダ、ユーコン準州マウントローガンにおける2002年の雪氷研究
- オホーツク海北サハリン海氷調査気象観測資料 :1992-94
- オホーツク海北サハリン海氷調査気象観測資料: 1992ー1994
- Properties of Sea Ice and and Overlying Snow in the Southern Sea of Okhotsk
- Subinertial and Seasonal Variations in the Soya Warm Current Revealed by HF Ocean Radars, Coastal Tide Gauges, and Bottom-Mounted ADCP
- Volume Transport of the Soya Warm Current Revealed by Bottom-Mounted ADCP and Ocean-Radar Measurement
- Water Mass Exchange and Diapycnal Mixing at Bussol' Strait Revealed by Water Mass Properties
- Observation of the Soya Warm Current Using HF Ocean Radar
- A Generation Mechanism for Mesoscale Eddies in the Kuril Basin of the Okhotsk Sea : Baroclinic Instability Caused by Enhanced Tidal Mixing
- Winter Oceanographic Conditions in the Southwestern Part of the Okhotsk Sea and Their Relation to Sea Ice
- Meteorological Data Report at Chaivo, Northern Sakhalin, September 2000 - November 2001
- Meteorological and Oceanographic Observations at Marine Towers on the Okhotsk Sea Coast of Hokkaido, January - December 2001
- Meteorological Observations at Schmidt, Northern Sakhalin, August 1995 - August 1998
- Sea Ice Conditions, and Meteorological and Oceanographic Observations at Saroma-ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, November 1999 - November 2000
- Distributions of Pack Ice in the Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido Observed Using a Sea-Ice Radar Network, January - April, 2000
- Meteorological and Oceanographic Observations at Marine Towers on the Okhotsk Sea Coast of Hokkaido, January - December 2000
- Meteorological observation data report for Saroma-ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, January 1993-November 1995