Institute of Fluid science, Tohoku University | 論文
- 1A1412 カーボンナノチューブ上におけるミオシン運動の温度応答(分子モーターI,口頭発表,日本生物物理学会第50回年会(2012年度))
- Modeling and Characterization of Piezoelectric Fibers with Metal Core
- Development of Hybrid Tight-Binding Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Method and Its Application to Boron Implantation into Preamorphized Silicon Substrate
- Study on Molecular Thermal Energy Transfer in a Lipid Bilayer
- Low Temperature, Beam-Orientation-Dependent, Lattice-Plane-Independent, and Damage-Free Oxidation for Three-Dimensional Structure by Neutral Beam Oxidation
- Large-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Analyses of Transport Phenomena in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell
- Aerodynamic Characteristics and Effects of Winglets of the Boomless Tapered Supersonic Biplane during the Starting Process
- Parametric Study of Vortex Generators on a Super Critical Infinite-Wing to Alleviate Shock-Induced Separation
- Airport Terrain-Induced Turbulence Simulations Integrated with Weather Prediction Data
- Inverse Method for Estimating Local Thermal Diffusivity of Biomaterials
- Sonic Boom Analysis under Conditions of Atmospheric Uncertainty Using Polynomial Chaos
- Electron Transport in Amorphous Carbon–Silicon Nanocomposites Containing Nb
- Mechanical Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Solids Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering
- Optimal Boundary Design of Radiant Enclosures Using Micro-Genetic Algorithm (Effects of Refractory Properties and Aspect Ratio of Enclosure on Heaters Setting):(Effects of Refractory Properties and Aspect Ratio of Enclosure on Heaters Setting)
- Cavitation Instability in Subcooled Liquid Nitrogen Nozzle Flows
- Coupled Photon and Heat Transport Simulation inside Biological Tissue for Laser Therapy
- A Molecular Dynamics Study on the Local Structure of Liquid-Vapor Interface of Water and L-J Fluid
- Numerical Study of Radiation Effects on Polypropylene Combustion Using High-temperature Oxidizer Diluted with H2O and CO2
- Preface
- Measurement of Aircraft Wake Vortices Using Doppler LIDAR