Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica | 論文
- Assessment of Terrestrial Factors Controlling the Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Water Shortage and Highly Deformed Island of Taiwan, Western Pacific Ocean
- P-6 沈み込む海洋地殼からマントル遷移層への水輸送((4)ゴンドワナ大陸の誕生と表層環境変化,及びカンブリア紀の生物の爆発的進化,ポスター発表,シンポジウム)
- O-190 超高圧変成作用における揮発性物質の輸送とリサイクリング : 中国大陸科学掘削エクロジャイトからの制約(21.変成岩とテクトニクス,口頭およびポスター発表,一般講演)
- Restoration after the Sumatra Earthquake Tsunami in Banda Aceh : Based on the Results of Interdisciplinary Researches by Nagoya University
- 台湾の第三紀・第四紀の砂岩中の砕屑物の供給源の研究
- 台湾のWestern Foothills地域に分布する第三紀-第四紀砂岩中の鉱物の安定性と溶解に関する研究(西太平洋における島弧の自然史科学的総合研究 第1期:台湾およびフィリピン)
- 台湾の第三紀・第四紀の砂岩の砕屑物の構成
- Astronomically calibrated ages for geomagnetic reversals within the Matuyama chron
- A rod-type creepmeter for measurement of displacement in active fault zone
- Some isotopic and hydrological changes associated with the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan
- Coseismic and postseismic surface displacements of the 10 December 2003 (M_W 6.5) Chengkung, eastern Taiwan, earthquake
- Geomagnetic fluctuations during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan
- Gravity Survey of Taiwan
- Tectonic significance of magnetic susceptibility fabrics in Plio-Quaternary mudstones of southwestern foothills, Taiwan
- Three-Dimensional Seismic Velocity Structure of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle beneath Taiwan
- Earthquake relocations, fault zone geometry and constraints on lateral velocity variations using the joint hypocenter determination method in the Taiwan area
- Coseismic displacements and slip distribution from GPS and leveling observations for the 2006 Peinan earthquake (M_w 6.1) in southeastern Taiwan
- Amplification of gravity and Rayleigh waves in a layered water-soil model
- Nitrogen and N-isotope variation during low-grade metamorphism of the Taiwan mountain belt
- Co-seismic surface deformation of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake : Spatio-temporal EOF analysis of GPS data