Institute Of Observational Research For Global Change Jamstec | 論文
- C407 The Impact of Orographically-induced Gravity Wave on the Diurnal Cycle of Rainfall over Southeast Kalimantan Island
- Combined use of ground based radars and disdrometer for TRMM PR validation over Tropics
- Role of the Heated Landmass on the Evolution and Duration of a Heavy Rain Episode over a Meiyu-Baiu Frontal Zone
- Thermodynamic Impact of the Heated Landmass on the Nocturnal Evolution of a Cloud Cluster over a Meiyu-Baiu Front
- C103 Possible mechanism for prevalence of midlevel convections to south of the Meiyu front : A case study of convective systems on 22 July 2002 over the downstream region of Yangtze River
- An Observational Study of the Development of a Rainband on a Meiyu Front Causing Heavy Rainfall in the Downstream Region of the Yangtze River
- Three-Dimensional Structure of a Mesoscale Convective System in a Baiu-Frontal Depression Generated in the Downstream Region of the Yangtze River
- Lower atmospheric wind profiler for diagnosing the Meiyu/Baiu precipitating cloud systems in the downstream of the Yangtze River
- Wind Profiler with RASS for monitoring of Wind, Temperature during Meiyu frontal precipitation systems in the downstream of Yangtze River
- Wind profiler observations during the intensive field experiments on the Meiyu frontal precipitation systems in the downstream of Yangtze River in 2001
- Differences of Rainfall Characteristics between Coastal and Interior Areas of Central Western Sumatera, Indonesia
- P160 The Palau Lower atmospheric wind profiler : Intercomparison with radiosonde and first mesoscale meteorological case studies
- 海陸風循環が決める地球赤道域の雨量分布(大気(4),一般講演)
- Vertical Wind Characteristics in Precipitating Cloud Systems over West Sumatera, Indonesia, Observed with Equatorial Atmosphere Radar : Case Study of 23-24 April 2004 during the First CPEA Campaign Period(CPEA-Coupling Processes in the Equa
- The Formation of Nocturnal Rainfall Offshore from Convection over Western Kalimantan (Borneo) Island(The International Workshop on High-Resolution and Cloud Modeling, 2006)
- C301 HARIMAU2006期間中に西スマトラで観測された対流システムに伴う突風現象(熱帯大気,一般口頭発表)
- P355 HARIMAU2010集中観測におけるNHM予報実験の検証(ポスター・セッション)
- B151 Variability of Precipitation Propagation over Indonesia Based on MTSAT-1R, TRMM and Wind Profiler Network Observations
- Multiscale features of line-shaped precipitation system generation in central Japan during late Baiu season
- 水平対流論としての惑星大気大循環論(対流(3),一般講演)