Hokkaido Institute of Environmental Sciences | 論文
- Evaluation of relative density indices for sika deer in eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- ニホンジカの大量捕獲
- Survival and cause-specific mortality rates of female sika deer in eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- Dystocia in free-ranging sika deer Cervus nippon under food limitation
- Variation in the herd composition counts of sika deer
- Female sika deer fidelity to migration route and seasonal ranges in eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- Summer forage biomass and the importance of litterfall for a high-density sika deer population
- Temporal changes in the population density and diet of brown bears in eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- Seasonal migration patterns of female sika deer in eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- エゾシカと被害 : 共生のあり方を探る
- Benefit of migration in a female sika deer population in eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- Comparison of diurnal and 24-hour sampling of habitat use by female sika deer
- シカ捕獲ワナ アルパインキャプチャーシステムの改良
- Fallen leaves and unpalatable plants as alternative foods for sika deer under food limitation
- Indices for nutritional condition and thresholds for winter survival in sika deer in Hokkaido, Japan
- Molar wear rates in Sika deer during three population phases : increasing versus decline and post-decline phases
- エゾシカ個体群の管理方法とその課題
- Microsatellite DNA variations of the sika deer, Cervus nippon, in Hokkaido and Chiba
- パネルディスカッション「オランウータンのために私たちができること」 (北海道新聞野生生物基金フォーラム オランウータンの島ボルネオの今と未来)
- ツキノワグマの遺伝的多様性と保護管理(関東甲信越ニホンザルフォーラム)