Hokkaido Institute Of Public Health | 論文
- MeCP2 knockdown reveals DNA methylation-independent gene repression of target genes in living cells and a bias in the cellular location of target gene products
- The Essential Role of Histone H3 Lys9 Di-Methylation and MeCP2 Binding in MGMT Silencing with Poor DNA Methylation of the Promoter CpG Island
- Suppression of T-cell proliferation byl CD8+ T cells induced in the Presence of Protoscolices of Echinococcus multilocularis in vitro.
- Biological Control of Soil-borne Diseases by Pseudomonas species : Antifungal Agents and Mode of Action
- Control of Levitation in Electromagnetic Levitators under Microgravity
- Distribution and Effects of Styrene on Fetus in Pregnancy
- Interleukin-dependent mitogenic responses induced by protoscoleces
- Studies on the Metabolic Effects of Borate. VI. Effects of Borate on the Reduction of Methemoglobin
- Studies on the Metabolism of Borate. IV. Effect of Borate on Glyceraldehydephosphate Dehydrogenase.
- ホウ酸塩の代謝について(V) : 赤血球内の嫌気的解糖系ならびにメトヘモグロビン生成におよぼすホウ酸塩の影響について
- Studies on the Metabolism of Borate. III. Variations of Fructose 6-Phosphate Levels and Fructose 1,6-Diphosphate Levels in some Organs and Blood after Administration of Borate, and Effects of Boron on Anaerobic Glycolysis.
- カルミン酸による微量ホウ素の比色定量法について
- Stable Diaxial Chair Cyclohexanes due to the Adjacent and Bulky trans-Siloxy Groups
- Intramolecular Oxymercuration with Mercuric Triflate
- Mercuric Triflate-TMU Catalyzed Hydration of Terminal Alkyne to give Methyl Ketone under Mild Conditions
- Lymphokine-activated killer cell activity of CD4-CD8- TCR αβ+
- Influence of a small number of mature T cells in donor bone marrow of a T cell repertoire in the recipient.
- A17 1996 年北海道におけるドクガ幼虫の大発生
- ネコツメダニによる刺咬被害例
- S期でX線照射されたLECラット細胞のG2/M期における異常な蓄積