High energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) | 論文
- Is there only one triangle?--Time-dependent CP violation at Belle (実験観測に基づく統一描像の構築)
- Structure of Mg Isotope Studied by β-Decay Spectroscopy of Spin-Polarized Na Isotopes : Shape Coexistence in ^Mg(YKIS2011 papers, Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei)
- Design of Compact Monochromatic Tunable Hard X-Ray Source Based on X-band Linac
- Application of an Electron-Tube Technique to the VENUS Vertex Chamber : Nuclear Science, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- Conduction Effect of Thermal Radiation in a Metal Shield Pipe in a Cryostat for a Cryogenic Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detector
- Dense K^^- Nuclei and Their Excited States(Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions)
- Study of the Abnormal Parity Ground State of ^Be with AMD+Hartree-Fock
- Internal Friction Originating from Random Magnetism
- Ward Identities of Liouville Gravity Coupled to Minimal Conformal Matter
- BESS-Polar Long Duration Balloon Flights at Antarctica to Search for Primordial Antiparticle
- 第59回 AVS シンポジウム報告
- N=1 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory in Ito Calculus(Particles and Fields)
- Space-time from matrices (第8回新潟・山形合宿の報告)
- 8pSL-1 CZT検出器を用いた放射光硬X線の偏光度測定((X線)X線・粒子線,領域10)
- 13aRH-3 JLC実験の為のCCD崩壊点検出器用FADCの開発(読出回路,データ収集システム,素粒子実験)
- Structure of Mg Isotope Studied by β-Decay Spectroscopy of Spin-Polarized Na Isotopes : Shape Coexistence in ^Mg