High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) | 論文
- Performance Studies of a Laser Wire Beam Profile Monitor
- Photon Generation by Laser-Compton Scattering Using an Optical Resonant Cavity at the KEK-ATF Electron Ring
- Neutron Diffraction Study on the Defect Structure of Ta-Substituted Zn_2TiO_4 Oxide Ion Conductors
- Two Types of Multistack Structures in MgB_2-Type Superconductor CaAlSi(Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Average and Local Structures in Hydrogen Absorbing Ti-Cr-Mo Alloy
- Time Variation of the Cosmic Ray Muon Flux in Underground Detectors and Correlation with Atmospheric Temperature
- Atmospheric Neutrino Background and Pion Nuclear Effect for KAMIOKA Nucleon Decay Experiment
- Search for Nucleon Decays into Anti-Neutrino+Mesons
- 飽和超流動ヘリウム中における小熱流束伝熱時の温度測定
- 飽和超流動ヘリウム中におけるノイジーとサイレント膜沸騰時の熱伝達率の測定
- g-Factor of Λ in the Hypernuclei Studied from B(M1) Measurement(Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions)
- Hyperon Scattering Experiments with a New Tracking Detector "SCITIC"
- Search for φ-Meson Nuclear Bound States in the p^^-+^AZ→φ+^_φ(Z-1) Reaction(Hadrons in Nuclei,New Frontiers in QCD 2010-Exotic Hadron Systems and Dense Matter-)
- Parallel-Processing Diagnostic Program for a Transputer-Based Readout System
- Search for Nucleon Decays Catalyzed by Magnetic Monopoles
- Search for Nucleon Decay into Charged Lepton+Mesons
- A Way to Measure Polarized Gluon Distributions (素粒子物理とその将来像)
- Direct Observation of Sequential Weak Decay of a Double Hypernucleus : Nuclear Physics
- Evidence of Weak Decay of Heavy Double Hypernuclei
- Marginal Deformations and Classical Solutions in Open Superstring Field Theory