Graduate school of information science and technology, Hokkaido University | 論文
- Measurement-Based Performance Evaluation of Coded MIMO-OFDM Spatial Multiplexing with MMSE Spatial Filtering in an Indoor Line-of-Sight Environment
- Studies on an Iterative Frequency Domain Channel Estimation Technique for MIMO-UWB Communications
- Subblock processing in MMSE-FDE under fast fading environments
- Arrangement of Scattering Points in Jakes' Model for i.i.d. Time-Varying MIMO Fading
- Pseudo Eigenbeam-Space Division Multiplexing (PE-SDM) in Frequency-Selective MIMO Channels
- MIMO E-SDM Transmission Performance in an Actual Indoor Environment
- Channel Extrapolation Techniques for E-SDM System in Time-Varying Fading Environments(Wireless Communication Technologies)
- B-5-76 Channel Prediction for an E-SDM System in Time-Varying Fading Environments
- Direction-of-Arrival Estimation of Coherent Signals Using a Cylindrical Array(Antennas and Propagation)
- Multiple resonant coupling mechanism for higher-order-modes' suppression in all-solid photonic bandgap fibers with heterostructured cladding (光ファイバ応用技術)
- 3P192 細胞シート一軸延伸法による細胞メカニクスの研究(細胞生物的課題(接着,運動骨格,伝達,膜),第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P322 原子間力顕微鏡を用いた形質転換過程における線維芽細胞のレオロジー特性評価(計測,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-246 原子間力顕微鏡を用いた酸化ストレスによる細胞肥大過程の力学特性評価(計測,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-311 原子間力顕微鏡を用いた多数細胞粘弾性の精密測定(計測,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Automatic Acquisition of Bilingual Translations Using Recursive Chain-link-type Learning from a Parallel Corpus
- A Study on Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Error Concealment method for Wavelet based Video Coding in Wireless Networks
- Electrical Properties of Nanometer-Sized Schottky Contacts for Gate Control of III-V Single Electron Devices and Quantum Devices
- Symmetric item set mining method using zero-suppressed BDDs and application to biological data (論文特集:データマイニングと統計数理)
- Computer simulation analysis of hologram multiplexed recording
- Computer simulation analysis of hologram multiplexed recording(Optical recording & PMR media,The 8th Asian Symposium on Information Storage Technology (ASIST-8))