Graduate school of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University | 論文
- 親子判定で明らかになったツキノワグマ幼獣の単独行動
- Flux characteristics of cell culture medium in rectangular microchannels
- Correlation between genetic diversity and neonatal weight of sika deer (Cervus nippon) fawns
- ブタ胎仔の臓器に含まれる元素の放射化分析(講演4,放射化分析の新展開)
- One-pot Synthesis of Manganese Oxide Nanoparticles from Microemulsion Systems
- Effect of Preparation Techniques of LaFeO3 Perovskite-Type Oxide on Its Surface Morphologies
- Preparation of Electrically Conductive Film from Silver Nanocolloid Synthesized by Reduction of Silver-Thiolate
- Probing a Non-biaxial Behavior of Infinitely Thin Hard Platelets
- Population genetic structure of the striped silverside, Atherinomorus endrachtensis (Atherinidae, Atheriniformes, Teleostei), inhabiting marine lakes and adjacent lagoons in Palau : marine lakes are "Islands" for marine species
- A Particle Simulation for the Pulsar Magnetosphere : Relationship of Polar Cap, Slot Gap, and Outer Gap
- Design of the ultra low-power synchronizer using ADCL buffer for adiabatic logic
- Dynamic Property Evaluation of PLLA/PBSL Polymer Blends using Compressive and Tensile Split Hopkinson Bar Methods
- Possibility of Recycling Amine-Free Water-Soluble Coolants
- Measurement of Hippocampal Neural Activity by Radiotelemetry in Unrestrained Piglets
- Assessment of genotyping accuracy in a non-invasive DNA-based population survey of Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus) : lessons from a large-scale pilot study in Iwate prefecture, northern Japan
- Breath Figure of Water and Ethanol on Contaminated Solid Surfaces
- Column Structure in Smectic Phase of Parallel Hard Cylinders
- Ag-Cu-Pb-Bi-S Minerals Newly Discovered from the Ohori Base Metal Deposit, Yamagata Prefecture, NE Japan : Implications for Bi-metallogenesis in the Green-Tuff Region
- Incongruence between Morphological and Molecular Traits in Populations of Viola violacea (Violaceae) in Yamagata Prefecture, Northern Honshu, Japan
- Evaluation of Stress and Strain Measurement Accuracy in Hydraulic Bulge Test with the Aid of Finite-element Analysis