Graduate school of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University | 論文
- Magnetic and Fermi Surface Properties of UPtGa_5
- Mean Flow Characteristics of a Pulsating Round Jet
- Nondestructive Real-Time Monitoring of the Redox Status in a Potted Plant by Using a Surface-Coil-Type ESR Resonator
- Response Patterns of Vestibulospinal Neurons to Lumbar Rotation in Decerebrate Rats
- Recycling of Metal-Organic Ru Precursor and the Influence of Organic Impurities on the Surface Morphology of Ruthenium Films(Cross-Disciplinary Areas)
- Polarization Reversal in Ferroelectric Fluoro-Polymers
- ULF Electromagnetic Environment at Southern Boso Peninsula : Signal Discrimination of the Geoelectromagnetic Data
- Determination of Superoxide Scavenging Activity of a Sample Containing Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitor by ESR Spin Trapping
- チタン酸層間化合物の合成と機能
- ナフタレン-2,6-ジカルボン酸の製造法
- P05) 関東地方南部のニホンジカ地域個体群の遺伝的多様性について(ポスター発表, 野生生物保護学会 2002 年大会大会報告 : 講演要旨)
- Organic Electroluminescent Devices Having Metal Complexes as Cathode Interface Layer : Atoms, Molecules, and Chemical Physics
- Organic Electroluminescent Devices with a Vacuum-Deposited Lewis-Acid-Doped Hole-Injecting Layer : Atoms, Molecvtes, and Chemical Physics
- Origin of Heat Transfer Anomaly and Solidifying Shell Deformation of Peritectic Steels in Continuous Casting
- Investigation of Operational Conditions for Fine Grinding of Limestone with a Super Centrifugal Mill
- Multilayer Organic Electroluminescent Device with Dithienosilole Derivative
- Research on Activators for Lead-Acid Batteries
- Preparation of Fe_3O_4 Thin Films by a Chemical Bath Technique
- Preparation of hollow hydroxyapatite microspheres utilizing poly (divinylbenzene) as a template(Aqueous Solution Science for Ceramic Processing II)
- Ferrimagnetic magnetite hollow microspheres prepared via enzymatically precipitated iron hydroxide on a urease-bearing polymer template(Aqueous Solution Science for Ceramic Processing II)