Graduate school of Science, Osaka University | 論文
- Muon Capture in ^B Muonic Atom and Hyperfine Spin Dependence : Nuclear Physics
- Nuclear Polarization of ^B in Muon Capture Reaction
- Nuclear Structure Effects on Weak Nuclear Form Factors of 0^+-0^- Transitions in A=16 System
- β Decays of Nucleons and Quarks Embedded in the Nucleus
- AC/DC Susceptibility of the Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CePt_3Si under Pressure(Condensed matter : electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Specific Heat and de Haas-van Alphen Experiments on the Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CePt_3Si(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Double Superconducting Transition of CePt_3Si Probed by Susceptibility Measurements(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Evidence for Novel Pairing State in Noncentrosymmetric Superconductor CePt_3Si : ^Si-NMR Knight Shift Study(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Josephson Effect between CePt_3Si and an s-Wave Superconductor(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Superconducting Property in CePt_3Si under Pressure(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Anisotropic, thermal, and magnetic properties of CeAgSb2: Explanation via a crystalline electric field scheme
- Magnetic and Electrical Properties in a Dense Kondo Compound PrSn_3 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- 軌道電子遷移による原子核の励起
- In Vitro and Vivo Evaluation of Fluorinated p-Boronophenylalanine Derivatives as Boron Carrier and MRI Probe
- Synthesis and Evaluation of the Compounds Containing ^B and ^F Atoms as Boron Carrier and Imaging Agent
- Study of the Fluorine- and Boron-10 Containing Compounds toward MRI and BNCT
- Structural Color of Rock Dove's Neck Feather(Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology)
- Origin of Two-Color Iridescence in Rock Dove's Feather(Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology)
- A Drastic Change of the Fermi Surface at a Critical Pressure in CeRhIn_5 : dHvA Study under Pressure(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Single Crystal Growth and Fermi Surface Property in ThRhIn_5(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)