Graduate school, Hiroshima University | 論文
- Submodeling Analysis Using Recovered Stresses by Superconvergent Patch Recovery Method as Driven Variables
- A Study of Applying the Superconvergent Patch Recovery (SPR) Method to Large Deformation Problem
- Analysis of Horizontal Water Impact of a Rigid Body with the Air Cushion Effect
- 英語教員に求められる英語口頭運用能力の尺度化 : 一般化可能性理論と項目応答理論を用いて
- Submodeling Analysis Using Recovered Stresses by Superconvergent Patch Recovery Method as Driven Variables : Application in Large Deformation Problems
- Application of Multiplier Method to Ship Structural Optimization in View of the Discrete Values of Standard Plate Thickness
- An Empirical Fitting-Adaptive Approach to Importance Sampling in Reliability Analysis
- On Reliability Assessment of Frame Structures Based on Monte Carlo Simulation : Application of Importance Sampling and Neumann Expansion
- 第二言語学習における2つの時間次元上の不安と防衛的方略との関係
- Applications of Composite Grid Method for Free-Surface Flow Computations by Finite Difference Method