Graduate School of Sport Sciences, Waseda University | 論文
- Assessment of Sprinting Abilities Using a Resistant Self-driven Treadmill
- Correlates of physical activity among overweight and obese populations: A review of the literature
- Exercise and sleep - Review and future directions
- Effects of different intensities of endurance exercise on oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity
- Factors Associated with the Stages of Change for Strength Training Behavior
- 新規好中球機能検査法によるオリゴノールの機能解析
- リボソームプロファイリングのバイオマーカー開発への応用
- How baseball spin influences the performance of a pitcher
- Fat-Free Mass Can Be Utilized to Assess Resting Energy Expenditure for Male Athletes of Different Body Size
- Effect of one night of sleep deprivation on maximal fat oxidation during graded exercise
- Relative Contribution of Organs Other Than Brain to Resting Energy Expenditure Is Consistent among Male Power Athletes
- レジスタンストレーニング時の神経筋電気刺激が脊髄反射に及ぼす短期的効果
- Development and activities of the fight against doping
- Human calorimetry: Energy expenditure and substrate utilization easurements using a respiratory chamber
- Effect of long-term voluntary exercise and energy restriction on bone mineral density in mature female rats
- The suppression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha production in response to pathogen stimulation by strenuous exercise and underlying mechanisms
- Reference Values for Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes
- 被災地におけるトップアスリートによる継続的スポーツ教室の効果
- Effects of sleep deprivation on autonomic and endocrine functions throughout the day and on exercise tolerance in the evening
- Exercise and sleep-Review and future directions