Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island | 論文
- 沿岸音響トモグラフィー
- 日本沿海予測可能性実験--奄美大島西方PNラインにおける予備実験
- 沿岸音響トモグラフィによる潮流渦観測データの解析
- 2次元渦モデルによる音響トモグラフィーのコンピューターシミュレーション
- 日本海における流速場音響トモグラフィ観測 (総特集 日本海の大気海洋相互作用と表層海況・気象変動)
- Atlantic menhaden recruitment to a southern estuary : defining potential spawning regions
- OPeNDAP: Accessing data in a distributed, heterogeneous environment
- Variations of Kuroshio Geostrophic Transport South of Japan Estimated from Long-Term IES Observations
- Velocity Structures and Transports of the Kuroshio and the Ryukyu Current during Fall of 2000 Estimated by an Inverse Technique
- Study of the Kuroshio/Ryukyu Current System Based on Satellite-Altimeter and in situ Measurements
- Spawning and transport dynamics of Atlantic menhaden : inferences from characteristics of immigrating larvae and predictions of a hydrodynamic model
- 3K0900-3 中国メガシティーのPM汚染 : 最近のトレンド(大都市および近郊のPM汚染および光化学大気汚染,日中都市環境の現在と将来:JSPS-MOE拠点大学学術交流,特別集会7)
- Vertical Structure of Low-Frequency Currents in the Southwestern East Sea (Sea of Japan)
- Chaetoceros phuketensis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae): a new species from the Andaman Sea
- Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae): On prediction of the week of bloom initiation and maximum during the initial pulse of its bimodal bloom cycle in Narragansett Bay
- Distribution of Deep Near-Inertial Waves Observed in the Kuroshio Extension
- Patterns of population variability in marine fish stocks
- An Eta-Coordinate Version of the Princeton Ocean Model
- Inferring Dynamic Height Variations from Acoustic Travel Time in the Pacific Ocean