Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, university of Tsukuba | 論文
- 植物プランクトン種が異なるCase-II水域での3バンドモデル推定精度向上を目指して : 3つの実験結果から〔英文〕
- Behavior of iodine in a forest plot, an upland field and a paddy field in the upland area of Tsukuba, Japan : Seasonal variations in iodine concentration in precipitation and soil water and estimation of the annual iodine accumulative amount in soil horiz
- Research tools for functional genomics in melon (Cucumis melo L.) : Current status and prospects
- 農業水路の汚濁物質濃度推定のための重回帰モデル
- 将来のエネルギー供給変化に対応した水田灌漑システムの展望
- 産業活動が渤海の環境に与える影響--環境産業連関分析による検討
- 霞ヶ浦流域における家畜排せつ物管理の改善とその水質改善効果の検討
- 環境・経済・財政を視野に入れた科学技術の総合評価--バイオマスリサイクルプラントを例として
- チリ・北パタゴニア氷原のエクスプロラドーレス氷河における最近の氷河前進期
- 2003年のパタゴニア氷河研究の概観
- Cyanobacteria for Space Agriculture on Mars
- White Patchy Materials Formed in a Scoriacious Road-cut Profile on Miyake Island(Plant Production Science Soil Science)
- Ectopic expression of an AP3-like and a PI-like genes from 'Sekkoku' orchid (Dendrobium moniliforme) causes the homeotic conversion of sepals to petals in whorl 1 and the suppression of carpel development in whorl 4 in Arabidopsis flowers
- Nighttime Precipitation Induced by a Synoptic-scale Convergence in the Central Tibetan Plateau
- 気候変動がバングラデシュの長期的な食料安全保障に与える影響について
- Estimation for Different Genotypes of Plants based on DNA Analysis using Near-infrared (NIR) and Fourier-transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy
- Use of Rice SSR Markers as RAPD Markers for Genetic Diversity Analysis in Zingiberaceae
- Classification of the Sibumasu and Paleo-Tethys tectonic division in Thailand using chert lithofacies
- Conditioning of Karyoplasts for Producing Somatic Nuclear Transferred Gonadal Germ Cells in Domestic Chickens
- Production of Inter-Genus Somatic Nuclear Transferred Gonadal Germ Cells (snt-GGCs) in Avian Species