Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Osaka University | 論文
- Two-Layer Modeling for Local Area Networks
- Double Depth First Search Based Parametric Analysis for Parametric Time-Interval Automata(Concurrent/Hybrid Systems : Theory and Applications)
- Proposal of Application of Pulsed Vision Chip for Retinal Prosthesis
- データ工学論文特集の発行にあたって
- Constructing a Bayesian Belief Network to Predict Final Quality in Embedded System Development(Software Engineering for Embedded Systems)
- Test Item Prioritizing Metrics for Selective Software Testing(Software Engineering)
- Enhancing Software Project Simulator toward Risk Prediction with Cost Estimation Capability(Special Section on Concurrent Systems Technology)
- Experimental Evaluation of Two-Phase Project Control for Software Development Process(Special Section on Concurrent Systems Technology)
- A New Verification Method Using Virtual System States for Responsive Communication Protocols and Its Application to a Broadcasting Protocol(Special Section on Concurrent Systems Technology)
- Timed Reachability Analysis Method for Communication Protocols Modeled by Extended Finite State Machines (Special Issue on Multimedia Communication and Distributed Processing)
- Experimental Evaluation of Processor Scheduling Algorithm for Parallel Logic Simulation Using Benchmark Circuits
- Integrated Microfluidic System Based on Electrowetting and its Application to Amino Acid Sensing Based on Electrochemiluminescence
- Opto-Electronic Integrated Information System(Special Issue on Integrated Systems with New Concepts)
- Rapid diagnostic device for subclinical mastitis based on electrochemical detection of superoxide produced from neutrophils in fresh milk (特集 農業センサシステム)
- Background TCP Data Transfer with Inline Network Measurement(Internet)
- BS-5-4 A Packet Burst-based Inline Network Measurement Mechanism
- JPEG Encoder Design Space Exploration Using the ASIP Development System: PEAS-3 (特集:システムLSIの設計技術と設計自動化)
- On the Infimum and Supremum of Fuzzy Inference by Single Input Type Fuzzy Inference
- On the Monotonicity of Single Input Type Fuzzy Reasoning Methods(General Fundamentals and Boundaries)
- A Model to Explain Quality Improvement Effect of Peer Reviews