Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies Kyoto University | 論文
- Novel Application of Electron Vortex Dynamics to the Alignment of Magnetic and Cylinder Axes
- High-Fidelity Optical Transfer System for Two Dimensional Imaging of Density Distribution of a Pure Electron Plasma
- 外来生物クライシス(危機) (「外来生物を考える」シンポジウム記録特集 佐賀城お堀のハス再生プロジェクト--外来種駆除と生態系保全に取り組む市民・学・官協働のフロントランナー)
- Non-Gaussian Velocity Distribution Function in a Vibrating Granular Bed(General)
- Kinetic Theory of a Dilute Gas System under Steady Heat Conduction
- 非弾性Maxwell modelの流体力学とその安定性 (複雑流体の数理III)
- 粉体物理の展望 : 何故未だに粉体か (複雑流体の数理III)
- 散逸粒子系の物理(第47回物性若手夏の学校(2002年度),講義ノート)
- Simulation of Granular Friction and Its Effective Theory
- Universal Behavior in Granular Flows and Traffic Flows
- Kink Solution in a Fluid Model of Traffic Flow
- 非平衡系における対称性の破れ (特集 物理における≪破れ≫と調和)
- 熱浴中の非弾性ガスの統計力学と流体力学(ソフトマターの物理学2003-普遍性と多様性-,研究会報告)
- 第3章 粒子力学 : 3. 1 単相系 3. 1. 4 粉体ダイナミックス : 気体論的アプローチから何が言えるか
- Observation of Bose-Einstein Condensation of Triplons in Quasi 1D Spin-Gap System Pb_2V_3O_9(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Isoflavones as Putative Anti-aging Food Factors in Asia and Effects of Isoflavone Aglycone-rich Fermented Soybeans on Bone and Glucose Metabolisms in Post-menopausal Women
- ^1H-NMR on kagome Lattice Antiferromagnet m-MPYNN・BF_4
- ^1H-NMR Study of Ternary Platinum(II) Complexes with N-(1-Naphtyl)methyl-1,2-ethanediamine or N-(9-Anthrylmethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine and Bipyridine or Phenanthroline and Restricted Single Bond Rotation Due to Aromatic-Aromatic Ring Interaction
- Morphologica discrimination of two genetic groups of a Japanese salamander, Hynobius naevius (Amphibia, Caudata)
- MORPHOMETRIC VARIATION OF HYNOBIUS NAEVIUS(Taxonomy and Systematics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)