Graduate School of Engineering Science Osaka University | 論文
- Stability Improvement of Tactile Sensor of Normal and Shear Stresses Using Ni-Cr Thin Film Gauge
- Suzaku Observation of the Metallicity in the Interstellar Medium of NGC 4258
- Parallel Composition Based Adaptive Notch Filter : Performance and Analysis(Digital Signal Processing)
- Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of CeMg_2Cu_9 under Pressure(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Oxygen Annealing Effect of Photoelectron Spectra in SrBi_2Ta_2O_9 Film
- Basic Characteristics and Learning Potential of a Digital Spiking Neuron(Neuron and Neural Networks,Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
- 28pXA-4 Yb_4(As_Sb_x)_3の高エネルギー及び高分解能光電子分光によるバルク電子状態の温度変化
- 29a-ZH-7 Yb_4(As_P_)_3のバルク敏感高分解能光電子分光
- 25p-YP-8 CePdSb,CePtPの高分解能共鳴光電子分光
- Antiferromagnetic Phase Transition in Four-Layered High-T_c Superconductors Ba_2Ca_3Cu_4O_8(F_yO_)_2 with T_c = 55-102K : ^Cu- and ^F-NMR Studies
- Spin Fluctuations and Unconventional Superconductivity in the Fe-Based Oxypnictide Superconductor LaFeAsO_ Probed by ^Fe-NMR(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Genuine Phase Diagram of Homogeneously Doped CuO_2 Plane in High-T_c Cuprate Superconductors(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- ^As-NQR/NMR Studies on Oxygen-Deficient Iron-Based Oxypnictide Superconductors LaFeAsO_ (y=0, 0.25, 0.4) and NdFeAsO_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Multiband Superconductivity in Filled-Skutterudite Compounds (Pr_La_x)Os_4Sb_ : An Sb Nuclear-Quadrupole-Resonance Study(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- A Possible Novel Magnetic Ordering in SmRu_4P_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Novel Phase Transition Near the Quantum Critical Point in the Filled-Skutterudite Compound CeOs_4Sb_ : An Sb-NQR Study(Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Virtual Organ Modeling by Reflecting the Tone Fit of Multiple Attributes(International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia 2009 (IFMIA 2009))
- Studies on Effects of Impurity Doping and NMR Measurements of La 1111 and/or Nd 1111 Fe-Pnictide Superconductors
- Studies on Superconducting LaFe_Co_yAsO_F_x (x = 0.11) : For the Understanding of the Superconducting Symmetry of Fe-Pnictides
- Distinct Transport Behaviors of LaFe_Co_yAsO_F_x (x = 0.11) between the Superconducting and Nonsuperconducting Metallic y Regions Divided by y - 0.05