Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kobe University | 論文
- Magnetic Polaron of Gd_2S_3 Studied by Infrared Spectroscopy under Magnetic Field
- Optical Study of Electronic Structure and Nonmetal-Metal Transition of Gd_2S_3
- Longitudinal Structure Functions in Decaying and Forced Turbulence : Classical Phenomenology and Applications
- Probability Density Function of Longitudinal Velocity Increment in Homogeneous Turbulence
- Conditional Averages and Probability Density Functions in the Passive Scalar Field
- PIV Measurement of Pressure Distributions about Single Bubbles
- Simulation of Bubble Motion under Gravity by Lattice Boltzmann Method
- 非定常跳水を伴う開水路乱流のURANS計算
- The IRSF Magellanic Clouds Point Source Catalog
- 海洋大循環モデルを利用したジャワ海の輸送量と海面水位に関する研究
- Methane uptake and nitrous oxide emission in Japanese forest soils and their relationship to soil and vegetation types(Environment)
- Far-Infrared Absorption Measurements of Polypeptides and Cytochrome c by THz Radiation
- An Extrasolar Planet Transit Search with Subaru Suprime-Cam
- Interband Optical Spectra of Rare-Earth Hexaborides
- 2P-159 粗視化シミュレーションによるF_1-ATPaseの動作機構の解明(分子モーター(2),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Secondary Structures and Structural Fluctuation in a Dimeric Protein, Streptomyces Subtilisin Inhibitor
- P317 インドシナ半島内陸部における下部対流圏安定層の生成過程とその季節変化
- Further examination on the truncation point in truncation selection for proportion-defined trait
- MOETによって造成される肉用牛小集団での相加的および優性効果の遺伝的評価とその遺伝的改良量に及ぼす影響〔英文〕
- アニマルモデルによる育種価予測値に及ぼす遡及世代数の影響〔英文〕