Graduate School Of Pure And Applied Sciences University Of Tsukuba | 論文
- 芳香族オレフィンの三重項を経由するシス-トランス異性化の機構 (1981年の化学)
- β,γ-不飽和ケトンの光化学--2-シクロペンテニルメチルケトンのS1(nπ),T2(nπ),およびT1(ππ)の反応性
- 顕微ブリルアン散乱法によるリゾチーム斜方晶系単結晶の低温物性
- Factors Controlling Irradiation Hardening of Iron-Copper Model Alloy
- Construction of Cooperative and Responsive Supramolecular Systems for Molecular Functional Modulation
- TEM/3DAP characterizations of severely deformed two phase nanostructures
- Nucleon-Nucleon Potential and Its Non-Locality in Lattice QCD(Nuclear Physics)
- 顕微ブリルアン散乱法による蛋白質結晶の多形と弾性的性質
- Synthesis, X-ray Structures, and Solution Properties of Vanadium(III) and -(IV) Complexes with N-(2-Hydroxyphenyl)-N-(2-pyridylmethyl)amine
- Preparations, Structures, and Properties of Sulfato-Bridged Dinuclear and Tetranuclear Vanadium(III) Complexes with a Dinucleating Ligand, 2-Oxo-N,N'-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)-1,3-propanediamine-N,N'-diacetate
- Novel ^F MRS/I Nanoprobe Based on pH-Responsive PEGylated Nanogel : pH-Dependent ^F Magnetic Resonance Studies
- Effects of Cu Self-Capping and Ta Capping on Nanometer-Sized Cu Films Sputter-Deposited on β-Ta
- Preparation and Molecular Recognition of SERS Probe Based on Gold Nanoparticles Constructed from PEG-Oligoamine Copolymer Possessing a Coumarin Group between PEG and Oligoamine
- Recent Atom Probe Studies at IMR : a Comprehensive Review(APFIM/FIM)
- Near-field Imaging of Surface-enhanced Raman Active Sites in Aggregated Gold Nanoparticles
- Tetranuclear Cobalt(III) Complex Having the Cubane Co_4O_4 Core: Synthesis and Structural Analysis of the Complex Containing (2-Pyridylmethyl)glycine
- Superhydrophobic Phenomena on Three-Dimensional Surface Structures Coated with Plasma Polymer
- Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Cubic Perovskite-type BaMo_xTi_O_3 with x ≈ 0.175
- Photoisomerization and Photoinduced Hydrogen-Atom Transfer in 1-Chloro-4-(2-pyrrol-2-ylethenyl)phthalazine
- Smart PEGylated Gold Nanoparticles for the Cytoplasmic Delivery of siRNA to Induce Enhanced Gene Silencing