Graduate School Of Pure And Applied Sciences University Of Tsukuba | 論文
- Selective Proteolysis of Apolipoprotein B-100 by Arg-Gingipain Mediates Atherosclerosis Progression Accelerated by Bacterial Exposure
- Synthesis of [Hexafluorovalyl^]gramicidin S
- Synthesis of a Catalytic Molten Globule with Flavin Function
- Photoisomerization Mechanism of All-Z-Oligo(phenylenevinylene)s
- A Novel Dinuclear Iridium(III) Complex with a Bridging Disulfide Bond. Conversion of Coordinated Thiolato to Coordinated Bridging Disulfide by Acid Oxidation
- PEGylated Polymer Micelle-based Nitric Oxide (NO) Photodonor with NO-mediated Antitumor Activity
- Tsukuba-green : A Fluorescent Dye that Emits Green Fluorescence Useful for Live-cell Imaging
- A Novel Octanuclear Manganese Cluster with [Mn^_4(μ_4-O)] Core
- Synthesis of [5-Bipyridylalanyl^gramicidin S and Its Complexation with Divalent Metal Ions
- 解説 テラヘルツ時間領域分光と物性物理への応用--フォノンポラリトンとボゾンピーク
- 2P-065 タンパク質内環境下における新しいpKaの第一原理計算による提案(蛋白質・構造機能相関(2),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Structure and Magnetic Property of an Octadecanuclear Cu(II) Complex
- Three-dimensional Ferromagnetic Frameworks of Syn-Anti-type Carboxylate-bridged Ni^ and Co^ Coordination Polymers
- Effect of Methoxy Substituents on the Excited State Properties of Stilbene
- Synthesis and Photochemistry of Stilbene Ionic Liquids
- Exciplex Formation of Intermolecularly Hydrogen-Bonded System between Anthracene and N,N-Dimethylaniline Derivatives
- Photoisomerization and Fluorescence Properties of para-Substituted Benzyl Ether-Type Stilbene Dendrimers
- The First Synthesis of Stilbene Dendrimers and their Photochemical transcis Isomerization
- Integrated Microfluidic System Based on Electrowetting and its Application to Amino Acid Sensing Based on Electrochemiluminescence
- Rapid diagnostic device for subclinical mastitis based on electrochemical detection of superoxide produced from neutrophils in fresh milk (特集 農業センサシステム)