Graduate School Of Human Sciences Osaka University | 論文
- Effects of Diurnal Bright/Dim Light Intensity on Circadian Core Temperature and Activity Rhythms in the Japanese Macaque
- 『冬眠する哺乳類』, 川道武男,近藤宣昭,森田哲夫 編, 東京大学出版会, 2000年10月
- 224 テナガザル(Hylobates foolock)にみられた巨赤芽球性貧血の一例(臨床分科会)(第71回日本獣医学会記事)
- サル(ワオキツネザル; Lemur catta) の自然発生トキソプラズマ症2例についての病理組織学的観察
- 111 サル(ワオキツネザル)の自然発生トキソプラズマ症2例についての病理組織学的観察
- Functional Differences in Individual Fingers during Single-Finger-and Double-Finger-Tapping Tasks
- The Simple Sentence Puzzle and Ambiguous Co-referential Names
- Collective Intentionality and Social Organization
- 脂肪は'敵'か?(一般講演A3,支援ネットワーク)
- Successful Artificial Insemination for Indoor Breeding in the Japanese Monkey (Macaca fuscata) and the Cynomolgus Monkey (Macaca fascicularis)
- Ovulation and Periovulatory Time Courses of Ovarian Steroids in the Japanese Monkey (Endocrinology and Laboratory Primates)
- 野生動物と獣医学--野生動物医学の観点から (野生動物の臨床をめぐって)
- 「野生動物医学」事始め (現代生物学をめぐって)
- サルとの共存
- A questionnaire survey on noise problems with elderly people
- A Web-based Informations System to Support Dicision Making Through Stakeholders' Involvement
- Resurgence in the Midst of Predicaments Studies on North East Africa by Japanese Anthropologists, 1996-2005
- Reexamination of rating scales on the impressions of environmental sounds
- No Improper Solution Occurs in EM Factor Analysis(Session 4b)
- Simultaneous data-fitting factor analysis and k-means clustering(Competition 2)