Graduate School Of Human Health Sciences Tokyo Metropolitan University | 論文
- パーソナルコンピュータによるX線装置の特性解析への応用 : (第2報)三相理想波形の写真効果 : 第44回総会学術研究発表抄録 : X線装置-1
- 193.吸収補正に関する検討 : 第44回総会学術大会会員研究発表予稿
- 24.パーソナルコンピュータによるX線装置の特性解析への応用 : 第2報 三相理想波形の写真効果 : 第44回総会学術大会会員研究発表予稿
- 12.パーソナルコンピュータによるX線装置の特性解析への応用 : 第1報 単相理想波形の写真効果 : X線装置・器具 : 第15回秋季学術大会学術研究発表抄録
- 12.パーソナルコンピュータによるX線装置の特性解析への応用(第1報)単相理想波形の写真効果
- 368. SPECT装置の性能試験条件に関する検討 : RI
- From Japan Young Health Physicist to the World(From Japan to the World)
- Capsaicinol : Synthesis by Allylic Oxidation and Its Effect on TRPV1-Expressing Cells and Adrenaline Secretion in Rats
- Neural Mechanism of Self-Initiated and Externally Triggered Finger Movements
- Neural Mechanism Responses in the Brain to Predetermined Periodic and Aperiodic Stimuli : Analysis of Visual Stimulation of Movement
- Brain Organization during Passive Touch and Tactile Discrimination and the Influence of Learning : a Functional MRI Study
- Relation between Lineal Energy Distribution and Relative Biological Effectiveness for Photon Beams according to the Microdosimetric Kinetic Model
- The usefulness of fully three-dimensional OSEM algorithm on lymph node metastases from lung cancer with ^F-FDG PET/CT
- Multiple-animal MR Imaging using a 3T Clinical Scanner and Multi-channel Coil for Volumetric Analysis in a Mouse Tumor Model
- Interlimb force facilitation between hands and leg muscles
- High resolution SPECT imaging for visualization of intratumoral heterogeneity using a SPECT/CT scanner dedicated for small animal imaging
- Effect of Hydrogen Exposure on the Notch Tensile Properties of High Strength Steel in Hydrogen Gas Environment
- Effects of Mechanical and Environmental Factors on the Notch Tensile Strength of 1,300MPa Class SCM435 High-Strength Steel in Hydrogen Gas