Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka City University | 論文
- Multiple-Length Variable-Weight Optical Orthogonal Codes for Supporting Multirate Multimedia Services in Optical CDMA Networks(Systems and Technologies,Feature Topics on Latest Trends in Optical Networks)
- Modulation Classification Error Analysis with Phase Offset
- Using Mixed Distribution for Modeling End-to-End Delay Characteristics
- Dual-Optimization of General Orthogonal Modulations for Two Channel Impairments
- A DQDB with Insertion Buffer and Local RQ Counter
- Optical and Thermal Properties of Si–O–C Films Grown by Organic Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Organic Silicon
- Wideband Signal Transmission for Energy-Aware Wireless Communications(Wide Band Systems)
- Robustness of OFDM System against Temporally Localized Man-Made Noises
- SB-11-2 An Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Equalization Method Based on Estimated Channel Impulse Response
- Comparison of BER Performance between H_2 and H_∞ DFEs in Fading Environments
- Properties of Bacterial Corrosion of Stainless Steel and Its Inhibition by Protamine Coating
- Error performance of network coding by low density parity check codes (衛星通信)
- Performance Evaluation of Turbo Trellis-Coded Modulation Schemes Using Multidimensional 4-, 8- and 16-PSK Signal Sets
- Antibacterial Metals : A Viable Solution for Bacterial Attachment and Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion
- The Evolving Processes of Residential Areas in Melbourne
- Quantify Benefits of Cycling Space Development in Jakarta
- Optimized General Orthogonal Modulations in Multiple Access Systems(HISC2006)
- Co-evolution of Sensors and Controllers
- 信頼性ルーティングに基づくトラヒック制御手法の実装(ネットワークアーキテクチャ(オーバレイ,P2P,ユビキタスNW,スケールフリーNW,アクティブNW,NGN・新世代NW),次世代パケットトランスポート(高速Ethernet,IP over WDM,マルチサービスパケット技術,MPLS),グリッド,一般)
- 高信頼性ルーティングのためのシステムアーキテクチャの設計(一般,ネットワークアーキテクチャ(オーバレイ,P2P,ユビキタスNW,スケールフリーNW,アクティブNW,NGN・新世代NW),次世代パケットトランスポート(高速Ethernet,IP over WDM,マルチサービスパケット技術,MPLS),グリッド,一般)