Gifu Pharmaceutical University | 論文
- Increased Expression of Sucrase and Intestinal-type Alkaline Phosphatase in Human Gastric Carcinomas with Progression
- Differential Determination of Human Liver and Pancreas Dipeptidase Activities by Using Specific Antibody-Conjugated Paper Disks
- Effect of Drugs on Human Erythrocytes. V. Inhibition of Cellular Metabolism and Adenosine Triphosphatase Activity by Drugs and Relation of the Inhibition to Drug-induced Hemolysis
- 01P1-144 ラットにおける経口投与後のnifedipineの消化管吸収に及ぼすカゼイ菌の影響(薬物相互作用(基礎と臨床),医療薬学の扉は開かれた)
- Particle Design of Enoxacin by Spherical Crystallizaion Technique. II. Characteristics of Agglomerated Crystals
- Particle Design of Enoxacin by Spherical Crystallization Technique. I. : Principle of Ammonia Diffusion System (ADS)
- 1年生「薬を使う薬学」PBLテュートリアルの実施とプロダクト発表に対する評価の分析
- ヒト泌尿器癌組織におけるアミノペプチダーゼ Nの発現と生理活性
- PCFT/SLC46A1による葉酸の吸収機構(ビタミン・バイオファクターのトランスポーター[II])
- Enhancement by Cigarette Smoke Exposure of 2-Amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo [4,5-f] quinoxaline-induced Rat Hepatocarcinogenesis in Close Association with Elevation of Hepatic CYP1A2
- A Method for Rapid Analysis of Pesticides Causing Acute Poisoning in Patients and Application of This Method to Clinical Treatment
- Analytical Method for Screening and Quantification of Phosphated Amino Acid Herbicides in the Serum of Acutely Intoxicated Patients Using HPLC with a Diode-Array-Detector
- Screening for Pesticides in Serum from Acutely Poisoned Patients by HPLC-Photo-Diode Array Detection
- Enhancement of the Mutagenicity of Trp-P-1,Trp-P-2 and Benzo[a]pyrene by Bupleuri Radix Extract
- 1.ステロイドおよび和漢薬のIV型アレルギー反応抑制作用(III ステロイドと和漢薬)
- インターフェロン-γおよびリポ多糖による併用刺激処理したヒト水晶体上皮細胞株SRA 01/04における過剰産生一酸化窒素の細胞膜Ca^-ATPase遺伝子発現に対する影響
- 遺伝性白内障ICR/fラットの水晶体混濁におけるインターロイキン18およびDNA分解酵素の関与
- Studies on Monoterpene Glucosides and Related Natural Products. XXIII. Biosynthesis of the Secoiridoid Glucosides, Gentiopicroside, Morroniside, Oleuropein, and Jasminin
- 42 イリドイド配糖体の酸化順序とloganinのセコイリドイド配糖体への環開裂の機構
- Absence of mutagenic action of 5β-cholan-24-oic acid derivatives in the bacterial fluctuation and standard Ames tests.