Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced industrial Science and Technology | 論文
- The middle Pleistocene Matsugae fauna, northern Kyushu, West Japan
- A Compact Ultraviolet Spectrometer System(COMPUSS) for Monitoring Volcanic SO_2 Emission : Validation and Preliminary Observation
- Relationship between geological structure and helium isotopes in deep groundwater from the Osaka Basin : Application to deep groundwater hydrology
- Groundwater study using drill holes in the Abukuma granitic province, NE Japan : the multi-isotopic approach to evaluate crack water stability(Proceedings of the 19^ Symposium on Chronological Studies at the Nagoya University Center for Chronological
- Statistical Study on Precipitable Water Content Variations Observed with Ground-Based Microwave Radiometers (1.Ground-Based GPS Meteorology)
- Stable Isotope and Chemical Composition of Pearls : Biomineralization in Cultured Pearl Oysters in Ago Bay, Japan
- Co-seismic strain-steps associated with the 2004 off the Kii peninsula earthquakes-Observed with Ishii-type borehole strainmeters and quartz-tube extensometers
- Natural attenuation of antimony in mine drainage water
- Deep-tow magnetic anomaly near ODP Site 795 in the northeastern margin of the Japan Basin
- Permafrost Sounding (2003-2005) in the Source Area of the Yellow River, Northeastern Tibet
- Examination of consistency of marine gravity with land gravity in and around the Japanese Islands using a helicopter-borne gravimeter
- Geothermal gradient and heat flow data in and around Japan (I) : Appraisal of heat flow from geothermal gradient data
- Depth estimation of fumarolic gas source deduced by fume pressure measurement
- Spatial variability in valve morphology of Neodenticula seminae, an oceanic diatom in the subarctic North Pacific and the Bering Sea
- X-ray computerized tomography analysis and density estimation using a sediment core from the Challenger Mound area in the Porcupine Seabight, off Western Ireland
- The development of whole rock analysis of major and trace elements in XRF glass beads by fsLA-ICPMS in GSJ geochemical reference samples
- Comparison of rate laws for the oxidation of five pyrites by dissolved oxygen in acidic solution
- Melting history of the Patagonian Ice Sheet during Termination I inferred from marine sediments