GFZ Potsdam | 論文
- 深さ依存性を持つ構造での散乱減衰と内部減衰の分離推定 -チリで観測された地震波形への適用-
- The CHAOS-3 geomagnetic field model and candidates for the 11th generation IGRF
- The Swarm End-to-End mission simulator study : A demonstration of separating the various contributions to Earth's magnetic field using synthetic data
- On long-term trends in European geomagnetic observatory biases
- Contributions of the external field to the observatory annual means and a proposal for their corrections
- P-113 ハルツバーグ苦鉄質-超苦鉄質岩体の岩石学・地球化学
- Evidence for geomagnetic jerks in comprehensive models
- The CHAOS-3 geomagnetic field model and candidates for the 11th generation IGRF
- Curl-B technique applied to Swarm constellation for determining field-aligned currents