Faculty of life and environmental science, Shimane University | 論文
- ガーナ, アシャンテ地域の内陸谷地低地の稲作におけるSawah(水田)農業システムの効果
- Characteristics of CO_2, CH_4 and N_2O emissions from a multi-soil-layering system during wastewater treatment(Environment)
- インドネシア西スマトラの熱帯雨林における樹木の分布と土壌養分の状態の関係 I. 集積性樹木の分布
- 持続的農業生産のための内陸谷地集水域の特徴付けと評価 : ガーナアシャンテ地域の半落葉樹林におけるケーススタディ
- 西アフリカ・サヘル帯に於ける持続可能な農業開発のための伝統的な土壌分類法 2. 農民による伝統的な土壌文類システム
- 西アフリカ・サヘル帯に於ける持続可能な農業開発のための伝統的な土壌分類法 1. 内陸小低地集水域の土壌特性
- The Effect of Treated (Spray-Dried) Beef-Tallow Supplementation on Fattening Performance in Japanese Black-breed (WAGYU) Steers
- The Effect of Treated (Spray-Dried) Beef-Tallow Supplementation on Fattening Performance in Japanese Black-breed (WAGYU) Steers
- 20-41 The Use of Polyolefin-coated Urea Fertilizer in Rice-based System of Inland Valleys (IVs) of West Africa. Masa-soil as test soil
- A STUDY OF HISTOCHEMISTRY AND ULTRA-STRUCTURE OF THE TROPHOSOME IN THE BEARD WORM (OLIGOBRACHIA MASHIKOI)(Taxonomy and Systematics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 20-18 Indica Rice Performance under "rainfed" condition using Polyolefin-coated Urea as the N-source.
- 16-22 Soil, Water and Rice Yields along Toposequence of Inland Valleys Bida, Nigeria
- 水田土壌中における窒素循環に関わる土壌微生物活性の自然変動 : 土壌生態系に及ぼす農薬の影響評価に向けて
- C204 水田の土壌生態系に及ぼす農薬の影響評価 : 微生物バイオマスの変動
- C205 水田の土壌生態系に及ぼす農薬の影響評価 : 土壌微生物活性の変動
- C204 水田の土壌生態系に及ぼす農薬の影響評価 : 土壌微生物数およバイオマスの変動
- Presence of 2,4-D-catabolizing Bacteria in a Japanese Arable Soil that Belong to BANA (Bradyrhizobium-Agromonas-Nitrobacter-Afipia) Cluster in α-Proteobacteria
- コムラサキ越冬幼虫の植氷凍結回避(鱗翅目:タテハチョウ科)
- 18 A recommendation of land use pattern to reduce soil erosion in a main rice producing watershed in West Sumatra, Indonesia
- 15-19 Straw management and silica deficiency in some rice fields in Indonesia