Faculty of Science and Technology Science University of Tokyo | 論文
- A Modified Method Using Static Head-Space Gas Chromatography for Determining the Stability Constants of 1-Alkanol/α-Cyclodextrin Complexation
- Adsorption of Benzene and Alkylbenzenes onto β-Cyclodextrin Polymer by Modified Static Head-Space Gas Chromatography Method
- Effects of Poly(ethylene glycol)(PEG) Chain Length of PEG-Lipid on the Permeability of Liposomal Bilayer Membranes
- ポリエチレングリコール鎖を結合させたリン脂質を含むリポソームのフリーズフラクチャー法による電顕写真
- リポソームの巨視的状態に及ぼすポリエチレングリコール(PEG)結合リン脂質のPEG鎖長の影響
- PD12 A Liquid Crystal Lens of Fast Response
- Motion Characteristics Measurement of Rotating Object Using Surface Acoustic Wave Oscillator
- 液晶セルパラメーター二次元解析装置
- Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling and Resonant Activation of Current Biased Intrinsic Josephson Junctions in Bi-2212(Innovative Superconducting Devices and Their Applications)
- High-Pressure Structural Analysis of Fe_3O_4
- Controlled Release of Vitamin E from Thermo-Responsive Polymeric Physico-Gel
- 25pWB-4 Sr_2RuO_4の電子状態における偏光・励起光依存性(25pWB Ru酸化物・Ti酸化物,領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- (Bi_Na_)TiO_3-(Bi_K_)TiO_3-BaTiO_3-Based Lead-Free Piezoelectric Ceramics
- Resonant Photoemission Study on Valence Band Satellites of Cu_xNi_and Ag_xPd_Alloy Systems
- Salt Formation in the Langmuir - Blodgett Films of Arachidic Acid Mixed with Amphiphilic Ammonium Ions and an Amphiphilic Amine
- Asynchronous Multiple Access Performances of Frequency-Time-Hopped Multi-Level Frequency-Time Shift Keying Communication Systems (Special Issue on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications)
- Ordered Arrangement of Polystyrene Latex Particles Conducted by Electrophoresis and Dielectrophoresis
- Preparation of Polymers by Admiceller Polymerization Method and Their Carbonization
- 24pRE-10 偏光依存高分解能角度分解光電子分光によるPd(100)単結晶の電子状態の研究(24pRE 光電子分光(表面・薄膜・低次元系),領域5(光物性))
- 25pWB-10 Sr_La_Ti_V_xO_3の電子構造(25pWB Ru酸化物・Ti酸化物,領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))