Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University | 論文
- Feeding by the cyclopoid copepod Oithona similis on the microplankton assemblage in the Oyashio region during spring
- 中国湖南省産ヌマエビ科ヒメヌマエビ属の1新種
- Isolation and Sequence Analysis of the Eel Cytochrome P450 1A1 Gene
- Functional Analysis of Promoter Region from Eel Cytochrome P450 1A1 Gene in Transgenic Medaka
- P1-42 アユの匂いに対するオオクチバスの嗅覚応答(2005年度日本味と匂学会第39回大会)
- The Effect of Vitamin C Intake on Schooling Behavior of Amphidromous Fish, Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis
- Nautilina calyptogenicoia, a New Genus and Species of Parasitic Polychaete on a Vesicounyid Bivalve from the Japan Trench, Representative of a New Family Nautilinidae : Taxonomy and Systematics
- Fundamental study on the flow speed distribution around small traps
- 中層トロールで獲られたカタクチイワシ仔魚の感覚器の発育
- Behavior of the Japanese rock crab'Ishigani'Charybdis japonica towards two collapsible baited pots: Evaluation of capture effectiveness
- Habitat zonation of the sand-burrowing mysids (Archaeomysis vulgaris, Archaeomysis japonica and liella ohshimai), and diel and tidal distribution of dominant Archaeomysis vulgaris, in an intermediate sandy beach at Fukiagehama, Kagoshima Prefecture, south
- P1-43 メジナの誘引および摂餌行動に及ぼす焼酎蒸留残渣濃縮液の影響(2005年度日本味と匂学会第39回大会)
- An Electrophysiological Study on the Taste Responses of Oreochromis niloticus (2000年度日本味と匂学会第34回大会) -- (ポスターセッション)
- Color vision, accommodation and visual acuity in the largemouth bass
- Retinomotor Movement of All Spectral Cone Types of Red Sea Bream Pagrus major in Response to Monochromatic Stimuli and UV Sensitivity
- Toxicity of heavy fuel oil, dispersant, and oil-dispersant mixtures to a marine fish, Pagrus major
- Grouped, stacked rods and tapeta lucida in the retina of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus
- Anosmic Japanese eel Anguilla japonica can no longer detect magnetic fields
- Deep water stratification in deep caldera lakes Ikeda, Towada, Tazawa, Kuttara, Toya and Shikotsu
- 南日本に位置する鰻池における動物プランクトンの種組成と垂直分布