Faculty of Engineering Tokyo Metropolitan University | 論文
- An Efficient Reversible Image Authentication Method
- Lossless Data Hiding in the Spatial Domain for High Quality Images(Selected Papers from the 19th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa)
- Attempt to detect combination tones between the Earth's free oscillation and the Earth tide,II -Bispectral Analysis-
- DCT Sign-Based Similarity Measure for JPEG Image Retrieval(Image)
- Pressure Drop in Hydraulic Conveyor through a Horizontal Straight Pipe
- On the Crack Propagation by Cyclic Stresses below the Fatigue Limit in Specimens with a Pinhole
- The Effect of Stress Amplitude below the Fatigue Limit on Cumulative Fatigue Lives in Perforated Round Specimens
- The Work-Hardened Surface Layer and the Crossing of the S-N Curves
- Effects of the Stress Amplitudes Below the Fatigue Limit on Fatigue Lives in the Cylindrical Specimens Having a V-shape Groove
- The Crack Propagation by the Stress Amplitude below the Fatigue Limit
- Frictional Resistance of Rotating Disk in Dilute Polymer Solutions : Part 1, Enclosed Disk
- Mechanism and Running Modes of New Omni-Directional Vehicle ODV9
- Inorganic Composition and Thermal Properties of Cocoon Fiber
- Study of Compressible High Speed Gas Flow in Piping System : 3rd Report, Flow Characteristics in Junctions
- Un-Biased Linear Algorithm for Recovering Three-Dimensional Motion from Optical Flow
- Optimal Boundary Conditions and Driving Methods in the Design of Flat Plane Speakers
- FIR Filters with Given Rise Characteristics in the Step Response (Special Section on Digital Signal Processing)
- Low Reynolds Number Flows with Slip at Walls in Circular Tubes with Abrupt Enlargements and Contractions
- Optimum Preview Control of Vehicle Air Suspensions
- The Resonating Properties of a Crystal Unit of Fundamental Frequency 150 MHz